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- /* Test Demo Program - By Steve Ludtke */
- /* cre : 1/3/90 mod : 3/11/90 */
- /* Copyright 1990 */
- /*
- The 3d library and all associated software in this distribution
- is Copyright 1990 by Steven J. Ludtke. You have permission to
- use and/or modify this code for any purpose commercial or non-
- commercial with two conditions : I must be given credit in any
- distributed product's documentation, and if any part of this
- package is used in any commercial product (even Shareware) one
- free copy of said software must be sent to me at the following
- address : Steven Ludtke, 406 Yale Cir., Glenwood Springs, CO
- 81601; all other royalties are waived. This Copyright notice
- must accompany any distributions of any part of this package,
- and in general, the package should be distributed intact, with
- no modifications. This notice must not be removed from the 3d.c,
- test.c, and cube.c source code in this release. Modified version
- may not be distributed without permission. If the conditions
- in the disclaimer are not valid in your home state, permission
- to use this software is revoked.
- */
- /*
- INSTRUCTIONS : This program will display shapes stored in a standard file
- format from any perspective. It does not use double buffered animation. The
- user changes his viewpoint using the keys on the numeric keypad as is shown
- in the code. Also, the '5' key toggles filling on and off, and 'q' exits
- the program. Console i/o is used, so you have to press return before
- anything will take effect. Run the program as follows :
- 'test <file.3d> <scale, usu 1>'
- The 3d file format is :
- number of vertices (n)
- x0,y0,z0
- x1,y1,z1
- .
- .
- .
- xn,yn,zn
- number of line array elements (m)
- a0 b0
- a1 b1
- .
- .
- .
- am bm
- <EOF>
- where a are vertex numbers or colors, and b is : <0> - continue shape/line,
- <1> - begin new line, <2> - change fill color, <3> - change outline color.
- look at the color changing warnings in the docs.
- */
- #include<stdio.h>
- #define D3VDIST 256 /* distance to vanishing point */
- #define REZ 512 /* calc resolution must be 2^x */
- #define XCEN 250 /* center of bitmap X */
- #define YCEN 80 /* center of bitmap Y */
- #define XHI 600 /* x,y limits for clipping */
- #define YHI 165
- #define XLO 0
- #define YLO 0
- #define ASPECT 23/10 /* aspect ratio */
- #include "3d.c"
- APTR IntuitionBase,GfxBase;
- struct NewWindow NW = { 0,1,600,180,1,1,0,
- NULL,NULL,(UBYTE *)"3D test window",NULL,NULL,0,0,0,0,WBENCHSCREEN };
- long *xxx; /* points to x vertex data */
- long *yyy; /* ... */
- long *zzz;
- LINES *line; /* points to beginning of LINES array */
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- FILE *in;
- double a1,a2,a3;
- char c;
- int i,p,m,t,nl,nv,sca,f,x,z,dx,dy,dz;
- struct Window *win;
- GfxBase=(APTR) OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0);
- IntuitionBase=(APTR) OpenLibrary("intuition.library",0);
- f=0;
- if (argc!=3) { printf("test <file> <scale>\n"); exit(0); }
- in=fopen(argv[1],"r"); /* read 3d data */
- if (in==NULL) { printf("fnf\n"); exit(0); }
- sscanf(argv[2]," %d",&sca);
- fscanf(in," %d",&nv);
- xxx=(long *)malloc(nv*sizeof(long));
- yyy=(long *)malloc(nv*sizeof(long));
- zzz=(long *)malloc(nv*sizeof(long));
- if (xxx==NULL || yyy==NULL || zzz==NULL) { printf("Out of memory\n"); exit(0); }
- for (p=0; p<nv; p++) fscanf(in," %ld , %ld , %ld",&xxx[p],&yyy[p],&zzz[p]);
- fscanf(in," %d",&nl);
- line=(LINES *)malloc(nl*sizeof(LINES));
- if (line==NULL) { printf("Out of memory\n"); exit(0); }
- for (p=0; p<nl; p++) { fscanf(in," %d %d",&t,&m);
- line[p].l=t;
- if (m==1) line[p].nl=1; else line[p].nl=0;
- if (m==2) line[p].nc=1; else line[p].nc=0;
- if (m==3) line[p].nco=1; else line[p].nco=0; }
- win=(struct Window *)OpenWindow(&NW);
- /* open a window and prepare for d3surf() */
- Init3Ras(win->RPort,NULL);
- if (win==NULL) { printf("Window err\n"); exit(1); }
- v.x=xxx; /* set up VECTOR structure */
- v.y=yyy;
- v.z=zzz;
- v.tx=(long *) malloc(nv*sizeof(long));
- v.ty=(long *) malloc(nv*sizeof(long));
- v.tz=(long *) malloc(nv*sizeof(long));
- a1=a2=a3=0;
- x=z=dx=dz=p=0;
- p=100;
- dy=1;
- SetAPen(win->RPort,1); /* set pens, in case no color data in file */
- SetOPen(win->RPort,2);
- SetDrMd(win->RPort,JAM1);
- while ((c=getchar())!='q') { /* read from keyboard */
- switch(c) {
- case '9': a1+=PI/20; break; /* rotates with setxfm() */
- case '7': a1-=PI/20; break;
- case '6': a2+=PI/20; break;
- case '4': a2-=PI/20; break;
- case '3': a3+=PI/20; break;
- case '1': a3-=PI/20; break;
- case '8': p+=100; break; /* used with setxfm & setxfm2 */
- case '2': p-=100; break;
- case '5': f^=1; break; /* toggle line/surf mode */
- case 'i': z-=100; break; /* used with setxfm2 */
- case 'm': z+=100; break;
- case 'j': x-=100; break;
- case 'k': x+=100; break;
- case 'w': dz-=1; break;
- case 'z': dz+=1; break;
- case 'a': dx-=1; break;
- case 's': dx+=1; break;
- case 'e': dy+=1; break;
- case 'x': dy-=1; break;
- }
- if (c!=10) {
- setxfm(a1,a2,a3,0,p,0,sca,1); /* set new rotation matrix */
- /* setxfm2(dx,dy,dz,x,p,z,sca,1); /* set new rotation matrix */
- /* rotatevp(&v,nv); /* use with setxfm2, rotate with perspective */
- rotatev(&v,nv); /* rotate with perspective */
- SetRast(win->RPort,0); /* clear window */
- if (f==0) d3lines(&v,line,nl,win->RPort); /* draw lines or filled shapes */
- else d3surf(&v,line,nl,win->RPort);
- }
- }
- Exit3d(win->RPort); /* free up scratch memory */
- CloseWindow(win);
- free(v.tx);
- free(v.ty);
- free(v.tz);
- free(xxx);
- free(yyy);
- free(zzz);
- free(line);
- }